For windows download Zombie Vacation 2
For windows download Zombie Vacation 2

for windows download Zombie Vacation 2

Ugly, fat, fast, slow, clever, stupid, suicide, robot and lazy zombies, we have them all! You will receive new weapons, ammo and medikits from them. our agents in the region will support you. Master Marine Commander: Sorry John, no Loot boxes available, we are not EA. I hope this time you give me more than just a Shotgun, maybe some nice Loot boxes with cool stuff inside. Don’t touch them, we will track your position with the GPS and pick them up after the area is cleaned. You must find the photos, they are priceless. They have also robbed the very expensive, priceless girlie-photo collection from the Sakura Gallery. The Mafia Boss from the Xin Huu Bong Gang in southern China has sent out his Zombie clone army, they have stolen the Xmas presents from the kids of the NanGong village, well that’s bad. John Mood is on vacation, so you have to take over. Master Marine Commander: Hey Marine, we have a new job for you. You can also find more weapons along your way thru the 10 action loaded levels. There's no auto-heal function in the game, but you can pick-up medikits in nearly all levels. Reach the Xmas tree to proceed to the next level. You've to fight against hordes of zombies, which are trying to kill you. Xmas Zombie Rampage 2 is an old school run'n'gun first person shooter.

For windows download Zombie Vacation 2